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Q: Does the lender have any legal obligation to inform the co signer of late payments and how delinquent can it get before they try to get the co-signer to make payments in lieu of the primary?
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Can the cosigner sell the house if his name is not on the deed and the primary borrower has missed 3 payments?

No. If you are not on the deed, you can't sell the property. The only "right" you have as a cosigner is the obligation to make the payments.

If your cosigner defaults on other loans but you are making your payments can they repossess your vehicle?

No. You are the primary borrower and are honoring your financial obligation.

Is a cosigner on a car liable if the primary borrower is at fault in an accident?

No. A cosigner's only obligation is the debt incurred by signing the lending agreement.

Can a cosigner take the primary borrower to court to get possession of the car that the primary has made all the payments on and the car is insured and registered to the primary?


Can a cosigner in California take possession of a vehicle if the primary borrower is not making the payments in Georgia?

Only if the cosigner is also named on the vehicle title.

Will refinancing a car loan under the primary borrower's name remove the cosigner from the loan obligation?


What can a cosigner do after a car is repossessed Can they sue the primary signer?

Seems pointless to even consider. If the primary signer didn't have enough funds to make the car payments, they probably will not have enough funds to pay any lawsuit you charge them with. Fact is, if the primary signer defaulted on payments, then the cosigner would be responsible for making them - If repossession occured, then it was due to the fault of the cosigner .. can't sue yourself.

Im a primary borrower on a loan n i had2 have a cosigner to get my car. i have made several payments on my carnthe cosigner had told me tht he had the car sold hes now got the not makein payments?

Something is not right here. If you are the primary, then why is the cosigner making payments and why does the cosigner have possession of the vehicle? The is back-wards of what it should be. And why in the world would you put the cosigners name on the title? You have a mess on your hands, because you went about this all wrong. You need to contact a lawyer ASAP.

Does the lender have to notify you as a cosigner if the primary borrower fails to make a payment?

No, but if the borrower misses enough payments, the cosigner will start getting collection calls as well.

Can the cosigner of a motorbike loan take possession of the bike if the primary borrower isn't making payments?


What are the disadvantages of cosigning on a mortgage?

If the primary borrower defaults the cosigner can get "stuck" with a huge debt and ruined credit. A cosigner has the same legal obligation to repay a loan as does the primary borrower. In addition, a cosigner does not have property owner rights, only the debt. The real question is why would anyone agree to pay a mortgage for land they do not own. A co-signer has an equal obligation to pay the mortgage.

What are the consequences of signing a car loan when the primary borrower defaults on the payments?

When the primary borrower defaults the cosigner becomes legally responsible for the loan. If the cosigner is not able to pay the loan he or she can also be subject to legal action by the lender and the cosigner's credit score will be seriously affected.