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In Mississippi I know that two people can be on a auto loan contract but only one has to be on the title.

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Q: Does the borrowers name have to be the name the car is registered in?
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No. Only the true owner can legally register a vehicle. (Legally. Used lightly )

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You cannot have the car registered if it is not in your name. You first must get the title transferred to your name.

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After the car has been registered in someones name.

Can a car loan be in one name and the car then be insured and registered in a different name?

no, they MUST be under the SAME name! srry!

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The car can be registered in her name with you being the lien holder. After the car is paid for, you can sign the release of lien and the car can then be registered solely in her name.

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Sister cosigned a car loan but they registered the car in her name is that legal?

Its half hers.