It needs to be charged. You Need To Have Your A/C Serviced. Everyone Including Me ! Needs To Have Their Cars Serviced Regularly. And The A/C One Time At Least A Year. Your Sounds Like A Loss Of Freon. Or Maybe Compressor Trouble. Have It Checked. GOOD LUCK
It means that you constantly are changing your mood.
Most likely needs a refrigerant recharge and leak detection
Do you mean a drain for the freon? If so, there is no drain. It needs to be evacuated and stored in a holding tank by law.
Something you know needs protecting.
Battery needs to be charged
It is very cold or needs changing because it is too old.
It usually means that your system has developed a leak. Your AC system is charged with freon gas. If a certain amount leaks out, a safety device prevents the AC compressor from starting. Without the compressor, no cold air.
I'm not quite sure what you mean by BLOW BACK. The silver streak is not designed to "BLOW BACK" If it is then you may have a bad seal and it needs to be repaired. I suggest you contact Crosman ( they own Sheridan) Crosman has a home page and contact number at the bottom.
You blow your fingers in your can blow with a real whistle.when you whistle you blow loud.
if u mean the a/c blows out hot or warm air, first check the cabin temp knob and make sure it is set on cold,then check the a/c freon, no freon hot air comes out of vents. Now if you mean the engine runs hot with a/c on then its the electric fan not working.
you are LOW on freon