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Almost all auto lenders will report a reposession to the credit bureaus. There is a possibility that they won't report to all three credit bureaus as credit reporting is a voluntary system. They may only report to one or two of the bureaus.

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Q: Does car repossession show on your credit report?
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Does repossession show on your credit report as soon as the car is taken or after it is auctioned?

It can show at any time. A repossession is compleated as soon as the car is picked up so it does not matter what happens after the repossession it still did happen.

How long after repossession can you get a car loan?

The repossession stays on your credit report for 7 years.

How bad does a car repossession affect your credit report?

A Lot.

Does a repossession stay on your credit report if you get the car back?


If you get a repossessed car back is it removed from your credit?

No. Your credit report is a record of all transactions on reported accounts. The repossession will show in the history, but so will the redemption.

How can a car repossession be on your credit report when your car was not repossessed?

By mistake. Waste no time contacting the credit reporting companies, and demand that this entry be removed from your credit report.

If they repo your car after one day late how does it appear on your credit report?

as a repossession

How long is a car repossession on your credit report after you pay it off and get the car back?

7 years

How long will a car repossession in California remain on your credit report?

7 years is the norm.

Can you get a personal loan after a car repossession?

You might be able to get a personal loan after a car repossession. However, you would get the loan at a very high interest rate one the repossession is on your credit report.

What does a car repossession do to your credit How can you delete it from your record?

It hurts you credit tremondously. It will stay on your credit report for 7 years, and there is nothing you can do about it. Do not allow your car to be repossed. Voluntary repossession on not any better. Contact the lender and work something out.