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Q: Does a repossession stay on your credit report if you get the car back?
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How long does a voluntary repossession stay on your credit report?

For Experian, a voluntary repossession will remain on your credit report for seven years from the original delinquency date of the debt.

How long does an auto repossession and a home foreclosure after stay on your credit report?


How long does a repossession stay on your credit report after bankruptancy?

Type your answer here... in the USA, 7 to 10 years

You returned a car to the dealership and its still showing on your credit?

Of course it is. You voluntarily turn the car in for repossession. It will stay on your credit report for 7 years.

What does a car repossession do to your credit How can you delete it from your record?

It hurts you credit tremondously. It will stay on your credit report for 7 years, and there is nothing you can do about it. Do not allow your car to be repossed. Voluntary repossession on not any better. Contact the lender and work something out.

How long does a repossession in Mississippi stay on your credit report?

By federal law, 7 years from the date of repossession or sale or last payment. The state is irrelevant.

Can a repossession stay on your credit report for more than seven year if debt is not paid?

of course. debt's just don't disappear.

How long does a house repossession stay on your credit once it has been paid off in full?

all negative info stay on your credit report ten years.none negative itiems stay for seven years.This info is from transunioun.

How long will a repossession stay on your credit report if you've made arrangements to repay the monies owed?

Normally a repossession stays on your credit rating for 7 years. If you are repaying the loan, talk to the bank and see if they have reported it. They may or may not have.

How long does a repossession stay on your credit score?

A repo will stay on your credit report until the remaining balance is paid off or settled, you still owe the amount left on the vehicle even though the car is not in your possession.

How will voluntary repossession of a vehicle affect a persons credit score?

Same as a regular repo. The creditor may still put the repossession on your credit report and it would stay there for up to seven years. Notice the word "may", because it is at the creditor's discretion...

How can you erase a repossession from credit report?

It can not be erased. If it has been paid, it will come off your credit in 7 - 10 years. If you still owe money on it and they report monthly that you owe an amount, it can stay indefinitely. If you owe money, but they are not reporting it monthly to the credit agencies, it i will come off in the 7 - 10 years.