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No, as long as the vehicle is not driven. But if something happens such as a tree falls on it, you would have to pay for the damages out of your own pocket.

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Q: Does a car have to have insurance to just be parked outside my house?
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My car was towed awy and crush by police for having no insurance just for being parked up outside my house can i take legal action against them?

No, assuming you live in a state where insurance is required. A condition of being on a street, whether driving or parked is that you will have the vehicle properly registered including carrying insurance.

Does homeowners insurance cover a water leak from a well to the house. It is outside.?

No, it is just for the house and contents.

Your car was hit outside your house and the driver drove away?

Are you asking a question or just making a statement? "If your car was hit outside your house and the driver drove away, are you covered by insurance?" This would most likely be covered by your comprehensive insurance and you will likely have to pay a 500.00 deductable.

When you purchase homeowners insurance why do they have to take pictures of the house and do they take just the outside or do they do the inside as well?

Insurance agencies take pictures of the outside of your home to document any previous damages. Whether they take pictures of the inside is at their discretion.

What happens if someone hit your parked car and they have no insurance but you do?

ill let you know just had this happen to me last night....and they ran. cops got them though.

What is a sentence using-in front of your house?

There is a large garbage truck parked in front of your house. I was just wondering why that huge pink flamingo is there, in front of your house. Perhaps the truck is there to pick up the flamingo from in front of your house.

How does a dog know you are home when you just parked your car outside?

Because dogs have a great sense of hearing and can actually hear you driving down the road.

Does your insurance premium go up because someone hit your parked car with a pedal bike?

Rather than turn in a claim to your auto insurance, why not just go after the owner of the bicycle? Let their homeowners insurance cover the loss then you don't even have to worry about your auto insurance rates.

Can you cancel you home insurance and get new insurance even if you have only just purchased your house?

Yes, you can change insurance companies anytime you want.

What if there is no homeowners insurance and the house is taken by a tornado?

If you had no insurance then you're out of luck. You'll just have to buy a new house or try to rebuild or repair the one that was damaged by the tornado.

Can a house owner get insurance on a house that is rented?

Yes, Just call your insurance agent. Your agent can recommend the right policy or coverage endorsement you need for a rental property.

What happens if I had insurance at the time of an accident someone hit my parked....but now I need to file a claim and now I don't have insurance?

Your insurance SHOULD cover the damage assuming you had comprehensive coverage and not just liability. However, you might have a problem proving the damage occurred while you were still covered.