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Q: Do you store unopened port upright or on its side?
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Does it matter if I store the CPU upright or on its side?

No, it should not affect it. Some computers have the CPU placed upright, while others fasten it on its side. Neither one has an advantage over the other.

Why store shuttlecocks upright?

If you store shuttlecocks on their sides, the 'feathering' will be bent in on the bottom side, and the shuttlecock will no longer fly straight and long.

Can new bottled wine be keeped upright?

In Fact, it's best to store newly bottled wine upright for 3-4 days. Then you can turn it on its side if the closure is a cork.

Can you lay portable air conditioners on its side?

While it's not the best method, portable air conditioners can be stored on their side, as long as they are allowed to sit upright for 12 hours before operating them. The can not be operated on their sides, though.

Can microwaves be stored on its side?

It is generally not recommended to store microwaves on their side because it can affect their balance and potentially cause damage to the internal components. It is best to store microwaves in an upright position to ensure proper functioning and longevity.

What is port side on a boat?

Port side refers to the left side of a boat.

What side of a boat is port side?

The port side of a boat is the left side, the starboard is to the right.left side

Is port side red?

A red light on the port side

Does the boat pass on the starboard or the port side of the red buoy?

They pass Port To Port side

Which side is port side of aircraft?

The left side is the port side while the right side is the starboard side.

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Upright Man

Is the right hand side port?

Port is the left hand side