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Yes you will need car insurance in Ohio, if you own a car. Car insurance is mandatory to ensure people are covered for damage, in the case of a car accident.

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Q: Do you need car insurance in Ohio if you own your car?
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Do you have to have insurance if you do not own a car and This is in the state of OHIO and if so will your license be validated without the insurance?

if you do not own a car you do not have to have insurance the insurance is tied to the registration when you register plates for a car and that is how the state keep track of you for insurance purposes I live in Ohio

What age do you need car insurance?

there is no age, you buy car insurance when you own a car

Does car insurance in Ohio follow the vehicle?

No. The insurance policy stays with the owner of the car. If the car is sold to another person, the NEW owner must obtain his own insurance.

Do i need car insurance if i dont own a car?


If you don't own a car do you need car insurance?

If you are going to drive a car, you should have insurance.

I need my step-daughter insurance on my car as she do not own her own car now?

you can put her on your insurance as a named driver

Do you need insurance if you have a drivers license but do not drive or own a car?

No, the insurance is on the car, not the person.

Do you need car insurance if you do not own a vehicle?


Is it true that if you are 18 in NJ you need to have car insurance in order to get a license?

No, you do not need to have insurance to get your license in NJ. You can get your license before you even own a car.

Auot insurance in MA and have no insurance?

If you do not own a car or live in a household with a car owner who is related to you, you don't actually need your own insurance as long as the person whose car you are driving has insurance. However, that is only true for the occasional trip in a friend's car. If you regularly use the vehicle you would need to get insured.

Does a person need insurance or just the car?

If you own a car and buy insurance to cover it, you are covered although the insurance is on the car. You can allow other people to drive the car and they will then be covered even if they don't have insurance.

Do you have to have Insurance to get a permint?

You don't need Insurance to get a permit, or even your license. You will need insurance if you own your over car and wish to put it on the road.'