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Insurance without a Drivers License

Yes, You can buy and insure a car without a Drivers License. You just can't drive it off the lot.

Most states now require Auto Dealers to verify your drivers license and liability coverage before a customer drives off the lot with a purchase. This is to protect the car buyer as well as the rest of the public from the consequences of an accident with an uninsured driver.

One of the times that we as drivers are at higher risk of being involved in an At Fault accident is after the purchase of a vehicle when we may not yet be accustomed to the subtleties and handling characteristics of a recently acquired vehicle.

State law requires that you have the minimum liability and medical limits required in order to operate a vehicle on public roads. Private roads and off road is another matter.

A vehicle can be purchased and shipped where insuring arrangements are being made elsewhere before operation. Some vehicles are purchased strictly for off road use or Farm use and may never need a license or insurance.

You can certainly buy property insurance without a drivers license, other valid ID is sufficient . Most insurance companies will require a drivers license to buy Auto Liability Insurance, others will let you buy it and then go get the license, they may require you obtain the license within 30 days. After all, you need the insurance in order to take the drivers test.

Happy Motoring


More input from other FAQ Farmers:

  • I am unaware of a company that sells insurance to people without a drivers license number first on file. This is usually necessary to check for tickets and / or accidents. Check with your local state DOI (Dept of Insurance) for state specific laws and regulations that you & the insurance company may be subject to.
  • My company would insure you, but if there was a claim we would not pay it.
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New drivers can find cheap Car Insurance online at Nationwide and Cheaper Insurance. These companies have some great rates for every one. You can find many discounts for new drivers.

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Car insurance for new, young drivers is more expensive then adult's car insurance. The reason is drivers have to prove to the insurance companies that they are safe drivers. The average insurance for new drivers is anywhere from $2000 to $5000 a year, depending on the type of vehicle insured and one's location.

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Insurance companies that offer cheap car insurance for new and inexperienced drivers include Salt Springs Insurance, Meloche Monnex Insurance, and Kanetix.

Does your car insurance address have to match your drivers license address?

Your auto insurance address should be your residence address where you garage the car. Depending on the state you live in you are supposed to update your drivers license address within a month of moving to a new address. So technically they should both match as they should both show where you are living.

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Every state offers car insurance as long as you have a license. It will be more expensive if you are a new drive, as opposed to an experienced driver.

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Drivers car insurance in California is usually around 200 dollars a month. This however depends on the insurance and the other restrictions on different drivers in California.

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When you are buying a new car you will need to have the following documents with you, your drivers license and proof of insurance. You should also be ready to provide proof of income if this is the first time you are buying a car.

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