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Sure does. No matter where you go, traffic tickets and driver licenses issues will always follow you unfortunately.

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Q: Do Arizona speeding tickets transfer to California dmv?
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Does California report speeding tickets to other states?

Will a speeding ticket in Va transfer to Texas?

Yes Virginia does report speeding tickets to TexaS

Do Texas speeding tickets affect you in California?

Yes they do, Texas reports to California

Is there reciprocity between California and Connecticut for speeding tickets?

Yes there is. Each state will report tickets to the other.

Is there a statute of limitations on speeding tickets from 1994 in California?

Nope. Speeding tickets are notification that a violation has occurred. If you fail to pay them that doesn't let you off the hook. They can come after you as long as they have them recorded.

Is there right to a speedy trial on speeding tickets in Arizona?

No, the 'speedy trial' clause of the Sixth Amendment is only activated when a criminal prosecution has begun. A speeding ticket is not criminal.

Is there a statute of limitations on aspeeding ticket in California?

California has no statute of limitations for speeding tickets. You were duly informed and charged with the violation by the ticket.

How many points is it for going 90 MPH on a 65 MPH limit in California?

Speeding tickets are usually a 1 point violation in California.

If you get two speeding tickets within 18 months will you get a point in California?

you'll get more than one point. i just got my first speeding ticket and that speeding ticket alone will be 1 point.

Do ny speeding tickets go onto your ct license?

do ny speeding tickets affect a ct license

How many hours does it take to drive from British Columbia Canada to anahiem California?

It all depends on how much money you have for the speeding tickets!

How many speeding tickets have been issued in Kentucky in 2008?

there have been 6,988 tickets issued for speeding in Kentucky in 2008