The driving distance is about 325 miles.
Distance from San Bernardino to Seattle is: 970 miles.Source: Time and
About 435 miles.
The flight time from Phoenix, Arizona, US, to San Bernardino, California, US is approximately 1 hour and 10 minutes. The total distance is approximately 489.18 km or 303 miles. This flight time is approximate. Factors such as weather conditions could affect the flight time.
25 miles.
About 450 miles.
The city of San Bernardino was named after the San Bernardino Valley, which was named after Bernardino of Siena, an Italian priest and Franciscan missionary.The city of San Bernardino was named after the San Bernardino Valley, which was named after Bernardino of Siena, an Italian priest and Franciscan missionary.
The driving distance from Phoenix, Arizona to San Antonia, Texas is 979.13 miles. All the distance, with the exception of 1.83 miles, is on I-10.
The driving distance from Phoenix, AZ to San Luis Obispo, CA is 562 miles.
San Bernardino, California.
The population of San Bernardino Verbano is 1,322.
It is 436 miles according to Google Maps.