79 miles
The San Antonio area is bordered to the northeast by the Austin area. (80 miles distance between the 2)
The total driving distance from San Antonio, Texas to Austin, Texas is 79.8 miles. The driving time is 1 hour 17 minutes or up to 1 hour 35 minutes in traffic.
The total driving distance from San Antonio, Texas to Austin, Texas is 79.8 miles. The driving time is 1 hour 17 minutes or up to 1 hour 35 minutes in traffic.
Austin Daye is number 23 on the San Antonio Spurs.
San Antonio Texas
It's a one-hour drive from northern San Antonio to south Austin.
He lives in at The Dominion, San Antonio
385 miles through Austin 405 miles through San Antonio
austin mahone is from San Antonio TX
San Antonio.