what is the distance from Greyhound terminal Ft Lauderdale to Ft Lauderdale Airport
The distance from the Saint Louis Airport to the Greyhound bus station should be approximately 25 miles.
The airport code for Naval Air Station Pensacola is NPA.
A Greyhound bus station is about 20 minutes to half an hour drive from the Buffalo Airport.
It is about $23 from the bus station to the airport.
1055 19th St., Denver. You can take the RTD Bus AF line to the Denver Greyhound station.
Atlanta Greyhound Bus Station to Atlanta International Airport is 12 min (8.3 mi) via I-75 South.
45 km
what is sl1
Frankfurt Airport long-distance station was created in 1999.
32 miles
The Greyhound bus station is downtown and the airport is in the suburbs. Taxi ride is about 15-20 minutes, depending on traffic, and should cost around $25. USD.