Its about 286 miles
What is the driving distance between Portland, Or and Medford, Or?
The driving distance between Dallas, OR and Medford, OR is approximately 250 miles via I-5 South.
The driving distance from Monmouth, Oregon to Medford, Oregon is 230 miles / 371 km
The driving distance from San Diego, California to Medford, Oregon is 812 miles.
It is 190 miles from Florence Oregon to Medford Oregon.
It is 164 miles from Medford Oregon to Springfield Oregon.
100000, One hundred thousand 2010 census reveals that Gresham, Oregon has a population of 102,817. That is a 14.06 population growth. It is still the 4th largest city in Oregon. Order of largest population of cities in Oregon are Portland, Eugene, Salem, Gresham, Beaverton, Hillsboro, Medford, Bend......
The driving distance from Vancouver, Canada to Medford, Oregon is about 585 miles.
The driving distance from Medford to Eugene is 167 road miles.
25 miles
149 miles