The shortest distance is 153 miles.
The distance is 149 road miles.
135 miles taking this route:Take U.S. 378 EAST from Columbia to U.S. 501 SOUTH to Myrtle Beach in Conway.Take U.S. 501 SOUTH to Myrtle Beach.
It's approximately 150 miles between Columbia, SC and Myrtle Beach, SC (and will take almost three hours.)
It is approximately 215.7 miles from Greenville, SC to Myrtle Beach.
Take U.S. 378 EAST, from Columbia, to U.S. 501 SOUTH in Conway.Take U.S. 501 SOUTH to Myrtle Beach.
The distance is 154.13 miles. If traffic goes smoothly, it would take 2 hours and 54 minutes.
There are 5 airports that are within 4 hours driving distance to Myrtle Beach, SC. The airports are located in Charlotte, Columbia, Florence, Wilmington, and Charleston.
148.1 miles
81 miles
There are about 266.414 miles between Chester, VA and Myrtle Beach, SC.
two to three hours.