It is 2,889.31 miles according to MapQuest.
284 miles at 4 hours and 33 minutes by taking I-5 will get you from Portland to the Canadian border if you are traveling by car. Vancouver Island is 255 miles from Portland Oregon and is accessible with a car and passenger ferry at Port Angeles.
No. Portland has convenient public transportation.
How far by car is it from Portland ME to Niagra Falls?
Wilsonville and Portland are two cities located in Oregon. The distance between these two cities is 17.2 miles. The estimated travel time between these locations is 19 minutes by car.
Looks like a little over 2200 miles by car. Google maps or mapquest can help you out here...
It is approximately 975 miles by car.
I live in Wilsonville, Oregon (1/2 hour driving distance south of Portland, Oregon) and have a great aunt (my mom's dad's sister) who lives in Vacaville, California and have traveled from Oregon to Vacaville, California. I've always gone from Portland, Oregon: I-5 South to I-505 West to I-80 West to Vacaville, California. To answer your question, the distance between Vacaville, California and the Oregon Border (according to mapquest) is approx. 280 miles, which is about a 4 1/2 hour drive by car.
Assuming you mean traveling by car, about 960 miles by the most direct route. I found this by using google maps (
Gresham Oregon is located approximately sixteen miles east from Portland Oregon. It is also an estimated twenty six minutes away if you are driving a car.
The answer I believe is 1,611 miles by car from Miami. Folrida to Portland, Maine.
The Best Car In Town is a 1947 Rolls-Royce Silver Wraith from Portland Oregon. This car is used for Wedding and Special occasions.