115 miles or 184.4km
what is nearest distance between pakistan and cochin?
Calicutt is 187 Kms from Ootty....
distance between mumbai and cochin distance between mumbai and cochin
3200 km
180 miles
It is around 280 KMs
Distance between Chennai to Ooty is 535 km.
Iit jee exam centres: 1.kozhikode 2.trissur 3.kochi 4.trivandrum. Aieee exam centres: 1.kozhikode 3.kochi 4.trivandrum.
The distance is around 170 kms and travel time is around 5 hrs.
Kochi and Cochin are same. Keralites used to call it Kochi. But the English used to call it Cochin. Recently the government has changed the English name back to Kochi. So Kochi = Cochin
Kochi is in Ernakulam district and Varkkala is in Kollam district. The distance between the 2 places is about 168 km.