380 miles
The distance between Charlotte, North Carolina and Charleston, South Carolina is approximately 220 miles. This distance can be covered by car in about 3.5-4 hours, depending on traffic and route taken.
The flight distance from Miami, Florida to Charlotte, North Carolina is: 652 miles / 1,050 km
The city that is the halfway point between Charlotte, North Carolina and Delaware is Dinwiddie, Virginia. This town is the exact halfway point.
The driving distance from Durant, Oklahoma to Charlotte, North Carolina is 1,061 miles.
The driving distance in miles between Charlotte, North Carolina, and Savannah, Georgia, is 252 miles.
2216 miles
The total distance between the two locations is 270 miles. It will take about 4 hours and 15 minutes.
It is 242 miles according to Google Maps.
Distance between Charlotte and San Francisco... Total distance. Charlotte to San Francisco: 2302 miles or 3705 kilometers ...
95 miles
The shortest distance is 513 miles.