The distance between the cities of Bangor, Maine and Houlton, Maine is about 98 miles. To travel from Bangor to Houlton, you would go in a north to east direction.
distance between houlton and bangor me
119 mi.
This is available on a number of Map websites. Begin your Quest now.
It is 120 miles according to Google Maps.
298 miles (480 km) taking this route:Take (Trans-Canada) HIGHWAY 2 - WEST, from Bangor, to I-95 to HOULTON, ME (via N.B. ROUTE 95) at EXIT 187, near Woostock.Cross the BORDER into HOULTON, MAINE, U.S.A., and continue on I-95 SOUTH to Bangor.
247 miles
There are about 2,874 miles between Bangor, ME and Phoenix, AZ.
The distance between Bangor, Maine and Phoenix, Arizona is approximately 2,800 miles by road.
It's approximately 280 miles from Bangor to London by road.
13.3 miles
5,184 miles