The shortest distance between Florida and Cuba is approximately 90 miles (145 kilometers) across the Straits of Florida.
163784 square meters
103 miles across the Straits of Florida from Cuba to Key West
The distance from Marco Island, Florida to Cuba is approximately 330 miles.
At the closest distance Cuba is 90 miles from Florida.
The flight distance from Miami, Florida to Matanzas, Cuba is: 207 miles / 334 km
The island is Cuba. Cuba is located between Florida and Jamaica.
Cuba is closer to Florida. The flight distance from Florida (FL) to Washington, District of Columbia is:809 miles / 1,301 kmThe flight distance from Florida (FL) to Cuba is:449 miles / 723 km
No, Cuba cannot be seen at night from Florida due to the curvature of the Earth and the distance between the two locations, which is approximately 90 miles across the Straits of Florida.
The flight distance from Fort Lauderdale, Florida to Havana, Cuba is 249 miles.
shortest distance is from cuba to Key West Florida approx 90 miles