About 60 miles.
About 21 road miles.
25 miles taking A87.
121 miles - see the related link below.
230 miles
The driving distance from Aberdeen City, United Kingdom to Isle of Skye is 229.8 miles. The estimated driving time is 5 hours 36 minutes.
The Isle of Skye is in Scotland in the United Kingdom.
189 mi - about 4 hours 15 mins
The Isle of Skye is located in Scotland, in the Inner Hebrides archipelago. It is known for its rugged landscapes, picturesque villages, and rich history.
Cardiff to Broadford, Isle of Skye is 569 miles via the M6.
From the 2001 census the population of Skye was 9232.
The Isle of Skye is off the western coast of Scotland. It is one of the Inner Hebridean Islands and can be reached by a bridge from Kyle of Lochash.