The flight distance from Singapore to Aberdeen, United Kingdom is: 6,731 miles / 10,832 km
The distance between London and Aberdeen is 398 miles, or 640 km. It is just over a nine hour drive by car.
The flight distance from Reno, Nevada to Aberdeen, United Kingdom is 4,858 miles or 7,819 km.
The distance between London, England and Aberdeen, Scotland is 403 miles (649 km) (350 nautical miles).You do mean 503 don't you!
Depends on where you are traveling to and from within those countries and how you intend to travel. If you drive from Aberdeen to Berlin then its 1969 km If you fly from Aberdeen to Berlin then its 1116 km The shortest distance between the two countries borders is aproximatly 350 km
547 km
The distance from Oslo, Norway to Edinburgh, Scotland is 571 Miles.
The distance between the above mentioned places is 2847 km approximately. The distance is straight path from one place to another place. There might be slight difference between the actual distance and the above mentioned distance because of the route chosen.
The distance between Fargo, North Dakota and Aberdeen, South Dakota is approximately 200 miles by road. The driving time is usually around 3.5-4 hours, depending on traffic and weather conditions.
About 880 km.
The "as the crow flies" distance is 12.6 miles or 20.3 km
The road distance between Cairns and Gladstone is about 1174 km. The flight distance is around 959 km.