No. He must voluntarily sign the title over to you.No. He must voluntarily sign the title over to you.No. He must voluntarily sign the title over to you.No. He must voluntarily sign the title over to you.
On the back of the title there is a place to sign it and the person that is receiving the car signs it as well.
no you cant sign it its in her name. she can sign it over to you or she can add your name to the title but no u cant sign it because its not in your name.
sign the title over to the person buying the car
Sign off on your part as the seller on the title itself just like you were selling it to anyone else.
Take the title along with the buyer to your local DMV and have the car transferred over from you to the buyer. Do not sign the title over until you have the money in your hand, and do not let the buyer have the car until you have it transferred out of your name.
If you are on the title (pink slip) and the title holder will not release the title to you, either your ex needs to sign off or there is still money owed on the vehicle.
No, you must sign the title over to the buyer at the time of the transaction.
She'll need to sign it over to you.
Ask the person on the title to repossess the car. You may have legal liabilities until the car title is properly transferred.Another PerspectiveA person can't sign over the Certificate of Title if it's not in their own name. That would be fraud and forgery. The person on the Certificate of Title must sign it over to the person in possession. If that is not possible then the title cannot be transferred legally and the person who is in possession of the car will not be able to register it or sell it. You'll just have to forget about it. Ownership of that vehicle is in the twilight zone until it is transferred properly.