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Internal combustion engine is where the fuel is ignited in the cylinder to make the piston move, petrol or diesel.

A steam engine has an external pressure vessel to supply the steam to the cylinder to push the piston. the is no combustion in the engine as such.

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Q: Difference between internal combustion engines and steam engines?
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Comparison between internal combustion engines and external combustion engines?

Internal engine has its energy ignited in the cylinder. like 99.9% of engines today An external combustion example is a steam engine where the heating prosses is done in an boiler out side the engine.

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No, they are both internal combustion engines.

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Gasoline and Diesel engines are internal combustion engines. The fuel explodes (combusts) internally (in the cylinder) and releases energy that is used to move the vehicle. Electric engines and steam engines are not internal combustion engines by definition. Steam engines combust their fuel externally to the "engine". The vast majority of passenger vehicles produced throughout history are driven by internal combustion engines.

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Gas and diesel engines are what type of engines?

Internal combustion.

Difference between internal combustion engines and external combustion engines?

Internal combustion engines burn fuel inside the engine to generate power, while external combustion engines burn fuel outside the engine and use the resulting heat to create power, such as in steam engines. Internal combustion engines are more common in vehicles due to their compact size and efficiency, while external combustion engines are used in specific applications like power plants and some marine propulsion systems.