The address of the Santa Barbara Zoo is: 500 Ninos Drive, Santa Barbara, CA 93103
The web address of the Santa Barbara Zoo is:
The phone number of the Santa Barbara Zoo is: 805-962-5339.
The area of Santa Barbara Zoo is 121,405.692672 square meters.
In some ways, yes, the Santa Barbara Zoo is better than the LA Zoo. For example, the Santa Barbara zoo has more species of animals available for viewing, and they charge less of a an entrance fee.
Santa Barbara Zoological Gardens, Santa Barbara, California
For every foot of height a giraffe has, its tongue is one inch long.
The area of Santa Ana Zoo is 80,937.128448 square meters.
The phone number of the Santa Ana Zoo is: 714-836-4000.
The address of the Santa Ana Zoo is: 1801 E Chesnut Ave., Santa Ana, CA 92701-5001
Santa Fe, New Mexico.