

Dealer did not sign contract

Updated: 12/19/2022
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The car dealership did not sign my contract, is it still binding?

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Q: Dealer did not sign contract
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Can you cancel a vehicle sale contract and get your deposit back if the dealer did not get you to sign it?

Without a signature, there is no contract. If you want your money back the dealer is obligated to give it to you.

Can a car dealer make you sign a new contract?

yes they can ! <3 (:

If you pay cash for a car and both parties sign the contract can the car dealer take the car?

The car dealer cannot take the car if it is paid for according to the contract. The dealer cannot change their mind and take back the car after the contract is signed and money has been exchanged.

If a dealer purchases a car from another dealer per your request and once it arrives it is not what you expect are you forced to take the car?

No, not unless you sign a contract

Can someone under eighteen make car payments?

yes, but you cannot sign a contract (so, you cannot buy a car from a dealer, or used car dealer without your parent).

Can you get out of contract of a new vehicle when the contract you signed is not the car?

If the car that the dealer delivers is not the car that is identified in the contract, then the DEALER is in default, not you.

Can you return a car after you sign the papers if the dealer says he made a mistake and can't give it to you for the price you signed for?

The question is a bit confusing. When purchasing a car from a dealership, the transaction is by contract. Once the contract is signed, the contracted price is the price. There is no changing of minds later. If, as is not unusual, the dealer sent you with the vehicle to return at a later date to sign the contract, and then changed the price, this could be an attempt at fraud. Get the change in writing, do not sign anything, and take your evidence directly to an attorney who specializes in consumer fraud.

What is the implication of Please sign here on a contract with a company?

A company will supply a service if you sign a contract with them. If you do not agree then do not sign. If you do sign, you are required to fulfill the terms of the contract.

If you signed contract on car but did not pay can you get out of contract?

Having worked for many years as the director of the finance department in an auto dealership, I can tell you with certainty that signing must accompany "delivery". That is, if you both signed AND drove off the lot -- OR -- signed AND had it delivered to your home, then you own it -- you might as well start paying the bill. If all you did was sign but never took delivery, then the dealer cannot legally force you to take the contract or vehicle. If the dealer attempts to "get funded" for the contract (get the money from the bank who is financing your vehicle), then all you have to do is simply call the bank and tell them you never took delivery of the vehicle -- they will pull the funding immediately. Furthermore, if the dealer is requiring you to sign another contract, this is illegal. You can re-sign if you want, but the first contract is legally binding (assuming you also took delivery).

Once you have a signed contract from a dealer can the dealer go back on his word?

Once you and the dealer have signed the contract, it is a binding contract agreement and it responsible by law. You can take him to court if he doesn't keep his part of the agreement.

How will you sign your contract?

I will sign it with my full name after throughly reading the contract.

Can a partner sign a contract without partners knowledge?

There is no requirement that an attorney sign a contract