The driving distance from Dubai - Dubai - United Arab Emirates to Muscat, Oman is 274.54mi / 441.83km
268 miles / 432 km to Muscat, Oman.
Dubai, United Arab Emirates is approximately 312 miles away from Oman. A flight would take about an hour to complete on a commercial airline.
The distance from Dubai, United Arab Emirates to Muscat, Oman is 232.3 miles as the crow flies. This distance is equal to 373.85 kilometers.
452 kilometers or 281 miles
no direct link, 16 hour (NY to Dubai) then 1 hour to Muscat, Oman
1hr 00min Dubai (DXB) to Muscat (MCT) by a nonstop flight operated by Oman Air, Swiss International Airlines or Emirates Airlines.
Oman Air does daily flights from many destinations to Muscat. If you're not in one of the destinations you can go to Dubai and drive across the border. Driving across the border can sometimes be a handful so you could also fly Oman Air from Dubai to Oman.
The flight distance from Dubai, United Arab Emirates to Muscat, Oman is 237 miles / 382 km.
By car, about 4 and a half hours (excluding border time) from Dubai to Muscat. By air, less than 1 hour.
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Distance: 267.87 miles / 431.1 kilometers - Time: ~4:08 h