I have a 1990 Mustang 5.0. I know for a fact the head gasket is blown. Every time I open the radiator there is a release of pressure. So my answer is yes.
It COULD mean a blown head gasket. Have it checked out.
You pressure test the cooling system
It could be low coolant, a defective cooling system or it may have a blown head gasket
You are getting pressure in your cooling system if they are not rusting out, could be from a blown head gasket or hopefully a bad radiator cap.
Probably a blown head gasket - but these also have an EGR cooler that if damaged could cause the same thing. Check the cooler first it could be pushing exhaust into the cooling system.
If the engine fan is working then you could have a defective thermostat or a blown head gasket.
that is a bad head gasket or blown head gasket the engine needs to be repair
Air trapped in the system, defective water pump, blown head gasket or cracked head, cooling fan not working properly.Air trapped in the system, defective water pump, blown head gasket or cracked head, cooling fan not working properly.
Could be one of three reasons - 1) low coolant, 2) defective cooling system, 3) blown head gasket
My first gues would be a blown head gasket, the same thing happend to my s-10 when the head gasket gave out.
Seriously, you will need to provide more information. Could be low coolant, blown head gasket, blown fuse or other electrical problem with cooling fans, bad thermostat, air in cooling system, bad water pump.
NO! These type products are only an emergency repair. The only permanent repair is to remove and replace the blown gasket. Besides these type products can cause clogging of the cooling system. Do not use them.