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That would depend upon state laws and how the car is titled. Generally if a vehicle is titled "John Smith and whomever" then the vehicle can only be sold if both agree or by order of the court. If the title reads "John Smith or whomever" the car can be sold by either person. This would not apply in some instances, some examples...pending divorce proceedings, legal action by creditors, or probate procedures, etc.

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Q: Can you unilaterally sell a car if it is titled as joint owners?
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"Joint" means just that ... it requires multiple signatures to sell property. Contact a lawyer.

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Half of what you get from the sale.

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It depends upon how the property is titled. If the owners are Tenants-in-Common they may sell their share of the property without the permission of any of the others. If the property is titled differently than TIC they will probably need to file a Motion to Partition in the appropriate state court. Unfortunately selling "parts" of a property especially a house is almost impossible to accomplish even though it is legally possible.

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If the owners cannot reach an amicable agreement, the party wishing to sell must file a suit in the court in the county where the property to have the property partitioned according to state laws.

Can you sell a car with two names on the title?

Yes. But it is titled as Smith AND Jones, both have to sign to sell it. In some cases it may be titled as Smith OR Jones- and either could sell it.

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Can you sell a real estate property titled in trustee after mother and father dies

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Yes. A joint tenant can sell their interest in the property to their son. The transfer will break the tenancy and the new owners will own as tenants in common. However, an attorney should draft the deed and the grantor should be made aware of all the tax consequence of making the transfer.

can one person sell a home but there are two other people on the deed?

When a property is co-owned by two or more people as tenants in common or joint tenants each owner can only sell their own interest in the property. They cannot transfer the interest of the other owners. If three people own a property and one wants to sell, that one can try to find a buyer for their share and that buyer will share the property with the other two owners. However, not a lot of buyers would want to share a property with strangers. Each joint owner has the right to the use and possession of the entire property.A better solution when one joint owner wants to sell is for the other owner(s) to make them a fair offer and buy them out.

Can a car be sold by just one of a co-owned car?

It depends on how the car was titled when it was purchased. Most states give the option of titling the vehicle to the two buyers as either "and" or "or" owners. This would show on the title afterward. As an example, if two people buy a vehicle with the "and" option, both of them must sign the documents to sell the vehicle. If the "or" option is chosen, either owner can sell without the other owners okay.

Can you sell a car you have paid cash for and have receipt on but not personally titled?

No, you cannot sell a car that is not titled in your name. That would be a crime, transferring stolen property. The car legally belongs to the person whose name appears on the title.

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