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You can return your used car, in the state of Georgia, within 72 hours of signing the contract. 120 hours after signing the contract will require a determination by a circuit court judge.

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Q: Can you return a used car in GA within 120 hours with a bailment agreement signed and a contract signed if the dealer is not up-holding the amount within the contract?
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The homophone for "smallest in amount" is "least," and for "rent under written agreement" it is "lease."

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No. The amount of bailment is too high. Generaly, the amount would have to be in the 2500.00 to 5000.00 to get an OR.

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The amount collectble is the past due or total balance due, plus costs, interest, and fees permitted by the contract or agreement.

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Bailee legal liability refers to the responsibility of a bailee (someone who temporarily takes possession of another person's property) to care for and protect the property entrusted to them. The bailee is required to exercise reasonable care over the property and can be held liable for any damage or loss that occurs while the property is in their possession.

Smallest in amount rent under written agreement?

The smallest amount of rent specified in a written agreement is typically one dollar. Some rental agreements may even have a nominal rent amount, such as $1, to fulfill legal requirements for a binding contract.

Is verbal agreement for real estate legally binding in Michigan?

From what I remember of my business law class from 10 years ago: Yes, up to a contract amount of $500. If the agreement was for $501 then the entire contract is void. I am not an attorney though, so please double check this.

Is a verbal agreement regarding rental amount valid?

Yes, but it's not really a contract until the parties consummate, which would be accomplished by paying that amount. It's the paying that really sets the rental amount.

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What is the difference between a lease agreement and a business contract?

The rental amount would remain fixed for the whole tenure of a lease agreement. Where as in a rental agreemnt the terms and conditions may change after a cetain tenure.

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Example of nominate contract under the law?

A nominate contract is one that has a specific name attached to it. An example of a contract of this type would be an apartment lease or a loan agreement.