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depending on country all you need is proof of I.D and proof you own the car. check your motor registary, they usually have all the information online

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Q: Can you register a car with just a learners?
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how do i get car insurance with just my learners permit?

If i have learners permit in state of pa can i register my car?

A photo ID is needed to register a vehicle in the state of Pennsylvania. A photo ID issued from the state will allow a person to register their vehicle.

Can you get a car in your name with just a learners permit?

You can but it will be expensive on Insurance

Can you buy a car with a learners permit in Australia?

Yes, purchasing a car is like purchasing anything else. However you may not be able to register it. Check in your particular state with the road authorities.

Can I register my car and get the plates with just a permit?

yes duhhh

Can you get a car register with a title?

Definitely. Whoever possesses title owns car. Just take it in to dmv after owner signs off on it to register in your name.

Can you buy a car with a learners permit?

can you buy a new car with learners permit?

Where is the Tarzan film car right now?

That Car was just made for the movie. That car was not register and the model was also not register that's why according to the indian govt. rules they can't use that car after that movie.

Can you get a car registered to you if you have just a learners permit?

Yes you don't have to have a licence of any sort to have a car registered in your name. You are just not allowed to drive it alone if you don't have a licence.

Can you register a car you don't own?

No, you cannot register a car you do not own. In order to register a car, you have to have the title.

If your son just got his learners permit and would like to purchase a car of his own to learn in and take his road test in is it possible for him to register and insure this car?

NO. A vehicle must be registered to a licensed driver. Insurance is the same. He can when he passes his drivers test. Good luck.AnswerYes. You can register a car with a permit. I just received my permit last Friday and I was one of the people who came to this site asking this same question. When I saw that the answer was no I decided to call the DMV and they told me that as long as you can insure the car then you can register it even with a permit which I did just yesterday. I insured it and then went immediatley to register it and had no problems. Now, i live in NY so I don't know if this is allowed in every state but here in NY it is allowed. My road test is next week, wish me luck!!! Hey good luck :) :)

Do you need a drivers license to register a car in OH?

You do not need a license in order to register a vehcile. You just can't OPERATE it.