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In the UK is is permitted to own a vehicle (Have it in your name) without a valid licence for that type of vehicle.

I suspect this will be true for most (but not all) countries.

One reason for this is to allow a person with severe Physical disabilities to purchase a vehicle (That they will never be able to actually drive or get a licence for) so that those who care for them can drive them to where ever they wish to go to. Think "Ironside" the TV program, who had a camper van, but never drove it.

there will of course be other restrictions on ownership- in certain countries/cities you can not own a vehicle unless YOU HAVE A PLACE TO PARK IT OFF THE ROAD (Tokyo)

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Q: Can you put a vehicle in your name without a drivers license?
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You can have a vehicle registered in your name. If your licence is suspended, you simply can't drive it.

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Some insurance companies will allow the named insured to be excluded depending on the reason. The policy would need to be in your name if the vehicle is in your name. Any drivers must be listed as drivers on the policy but not as the insured.

Can you buy a vehicle without a drivers license?

Yes! As long as you are of legal age (In the state you are a legal resident of) you can buy a vehicle. You cannot legally register the vehicle in your name or legally drive the vehicle. You can even insure the vehicle with many insurance carriers; just not for driving purposes (i.e. as a "collector" vehicle for loss or damage in storage).

In Arizona can you get a car title in your name without a drivers license?

Yes. If you are of legal age to own 'property' in AZ you may own a care without necessarily possessing a license to drive it.

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Yes but you just can't drive it.

Can your mom put your car in her name without a drivers license?

not in the state of MD. most likely not in any state.

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liability insurance, see North Carolina

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Commercial Drivers Licence, Restricted Drivers Licence