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Your parents would need to add the car to their own policy.

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Q: Can you insure a car whose title is under your name and then change the name on the insurance to your parents if they transfer the title to them?
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How to insure your parents with life insurance?

Call a licensed life insurance agent

Will 21st Century Insurance company insure a driver with only a permit?

It is usually not necessary to insurance a driver who only has a permit. Often, if it is a young person, they are covered under their parents insurance. If it is an adult, then they may insure the driver.

Can you insure a car whose title is under your parents name and then change the name on the insurance to yours if they transfer the title to you?

Probably a state law issue. We have one car where the insurance is ion my wife's name and the car is in my name and nobody ever said anything. I would guess that in some states you can insure the car in your name and have it registered in your parents name but why? Just switch both at the same time and avoid a problem later. DMV and insurance regulations are really nasty in some states (like NYS) and they can suspend your license and you never even know it. Look on your states DMV site and call you insurance agent.

Do teenagers need insurance to drive the parents car?

yes, the premium will be astrononic, and some insurance firms will not add children to the exsiting parents policy, they will only insure the teenager in their own right.

How can my mom insure a car still in my name?

i am giving my parents a car i am still paying for the car can they get insurance without me

Can you insure and register a car under your name even if the title is under a parents name if the parent on the title is not a driver?

Yes most insurance company never ask for the title. there are Insurance company's on the web that will insure you and the vehicle weather you own it or not.

What insurance company insure USPS postal vehicles?

they insure themselves

Can a 25 year old child be on their parents auto insurance policy?

Certainly. You can insure any licensed driver you want as an operator of your vehicles.

Hard to insure homeowner's insurance?

Hard to insure homeowners insurance could mean that you have poor credit or represent high risk to a homeowners insurance company.

What are some auto insurance companies in Florida?

Some cheap auto insurance companies in Florida are Swift Cover, Florida Insure, Insure and Go and Complete Insurance. Of these, Insure and Go are considered to be the cheapest but this will depend on your circumstances.

What are some car insurance companies that will insure a classic truck?

Insurance companies that will insure classic trucks include Direct Line and More Than. A company called Classic Truck Insurance also insure classic trucks.

What auto insurance companies allow 17 year olds to get their own insurance?

Almost every auto insurance company requires your parents to sign your policy or for you to be listed under theirs. There are no known insurance companies who will insure a 17 year old by themselves.