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All you will need is a name and address visit the local DMV tell them what took place and they will assist you with the info you need.If you had an cop on site and the other person did not give the insurance info he will then make a report and most of the time the local police department will charge $4.00 to get a copy of the info. I hope this helps good luck J2006

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Q: Can you find out a drivers insurance company if it was not given at time of accident?
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If a speeding citaton is given with company insurance info instead of personal whose insurance and record is affected?

When a speeding citation is given, it is given to the driver... not the owner of the vehicle nor the person (or company) who is insuring the vehicle. Therefore, the driver's insurance and driving record will reflect the charge. If this person was driving a company vehicle (and therefore insurance paid by the company) then the companies insurance policy COULD be affected but not always. The cost of corporate insurance policies that cover multiple vehicle and/or drivers are determined by many factors such as # of vehicles, types of vehicles, company claim history, # of drivers and ages there of. Most companies must report their drivers information to the insurance company which will then check the drivers records which will then allow the insurance company to 'rate that driver' and asses a cost for insuring that driver. Some companies will refuse employ drivers with too many moving violations... or not let them drive company vehicles. I hope the answered your question.

Is there any car insurance company in Pennsylvania that gives discounted rates to bad drivers?

Insurance companies do not give discounts to bad drivers. If you were given a ticket and the judge said you have to pay that ticket, then your insurance rates do increase.

Can there be two different police report of accident one given to the parties and another given to insurance company?

Generally speaking, no. It usually takes at least a few days for the report to be completed so whatever you get at the scene of the accident won't be much. Whatever the insurance company got from the police, you should be able to get it too.

Will your insurance company still pay for the damages to your car if your daughter who has no drivers license and who was not at fault for the accident drives the car at time of accident?

Probably not, as most policies only cover drivers not listed on the policy if they were given permission to drive. If you gave your unlicensed daughter permission to drive, then you can be issued a ticket. However, if the accident was not your daughter's fault, then the at fault party is responsible for the damage they caused to your vehicle, regardless if the other party was licensed or not.

Do insurance companies cover an accident when it is your fault and you don't get the other drivers information for the claim?

Yes, you would be covered by YOUR insurance company, given you have "Full-Coverage" coverage on your policy. Keep in mind, when filing a claim with your own insurance company, that this claim will follow you on a permanent insurance record for 5 years, possibly more in depending on your state. So be very wary of claiming an accident that was someone else's fault on your insurance. This may raise your premiums, or make you ineligible for insurance through A rated companies. If you have any more questions, direct them to my email. Sean

Do insurance companies look at speeding tickets if there were no points given?

Speeding is a sure sign that you WILL have an accident soon, and the insurance company is well with-in their rights to protect themselves against bad drivers. They do this in a number of ways. One is to raise your insurance costs, to make you more aware of your driving mistakes. Another way is to cut you off, based on your driving convictions.

What can you do if you had an accident and a ticket was given but later cancelled and there is no violation on record but the insurance company is still surcharging for the accident?

If the insurance company had to pay anything for damamges, then they will raise your rates for it. An accident will be on your record whether at fault or not and whether or not you got a ticket. Changing insurance companies may not save you much money. If you can get documentation proving the ticket was voided and your driving record is clear, forward it to your insurance company. If they refude to take it into consideration, file a compaint with a supervisor or a general director of the company. If that fails, you might want to think about shopping around.

Am I responsible for an accident i had with no coverage but no citations were given to the drivers?

A citation or not makes no difference as far as who was at fault though it does make it easier. Also whether or not you have insurance has not effect on who was at fault. Who had the best chance of avoiding the accident is the party most likely at fault.

Given that there are 5.7 million traffic accidents per year what is the chance that a randomly selected driver has an accident?

Without knowing how many drivers there are, this very much simplified chance cannot be calculated. In real life each driver has a different chance of having an accident - the cost of motor insurance is dependant upon the risk (chance) that you are likely to (a) have an accident and (b) how severe that accident is likely to be; if everyone had the same chance, everyone would pay the same motor insurance premiums.

What is the responsibility of the insurance company of the at fault driver in a no fault state?

Immediately after an accident, you should call your insurance company and they will tell you their responsibility in that particular state. Your agent should have given you that information when you purchased your policy. Each state has slight differences. An insurance agent in this state is not licensed to comment on the insurance policies of another state.

What information by law has to be given at a car accident by either party and do you have to give your address out?

Yes you do have to give your name and address (they'd get it anyway) and the name of your insurance company. If the police were present be sure you get a copy of the accident report. Marcy

Do you require to tell your other car insurance company you had an accident?

Sure. On your insurance application that you fill out when applying for auto insurance you agree that you are reporting any and all accidents and tickets. Most likely the insurance company will find out anyway through a system call C.L.U.E. If you are truthful to the agent when shopping for insurance they can usually give you a better rate based on the information given.