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Driving without a license is a crime. If you report that you where driving your dad's care without a license, you could get yourself into trouble, and put your dad's rates though the roof. Do not call the insurance company and tell them you where driving unlicensed.

If you have your permit, and where driving legally with a licensed driver, and you had an accident in your dad's car, yes, you can report it and his insurance may cover it if he has that type of policy.

If anything, your dad could report that he had the accident, though that would be dishonest.

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Q: Can you claim to an auto insurance if you had a minor car accident but you don't have a driver's license but your car insurance its on your dad's name?
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If you have an expired license and get into an accident will your insurance pay the claim if your policy is paid?

If you have a current insurance policy and are in a car accident, but have an expired license, it is up to the insurance company if they will pay the claim or not. It could be in their clause not to, if a person does not have a valid drivers license, especially if you are the one at fault.

What can happen when you have full coverage on your car and lend your car to someone who has an expired drivers license and they get into an accident?

You can be sued, and your insurance company can deny the claim.

Is it lawful for ins co to charge you for points that is not on drivers license?

Yes. Insurance companies don't just go off your drivers license record. They also check several other insurance company data bases because many accidents are not reported to the police. If an accident claim was filed the Insurance company who handled the claim will have it in their database as well.

Can a insurance company not pay the claim on a auto accident and the passenger died?

There are legitimate reasons why an insurance company would deny a claim. If you were in the accident as the result of an illegal act for instance, you had no license or a suspended license, etc.

If an insured driver under the age of 18 is involved in an accident can they claim insurance?

Of course, age doesn't matter. If you have a valid license and have a current insurance policy you can claim the accident.

No drivers license no insurance accident was not my fault can i claim?

Why not? You still have rights, they should have some kind of B/I, bodily injury that will cover your medical. You should have has insurance but now in a worse case senerio you might have to carry an SR-22, but of course you can claim!

What if your insurance company does not provide the full claim for an accident and you do not have money to pay?

The other party can have your drivers license suspended for 10 years or until you pay, whichever comes first.

What to do when no liability or car insurance in car accident?

Time to dig into your savings and pay the claim yourself or you can find your drivers license suspended for the next 10 years or until you pay off your debt from the accident, whichever comes first.

You have no motorcycle license and you had an accident on the motorcycle will your insurance pay?

No. YOu need Motorcycle Insurance. Check out this site for more resources on Motorcycle Insurance.

What if you were in an auto accident and you are not at fault but you do not have auto insurance in California?

If the other driver is at fault and has insurance, their insurance should still pay the claim. However, you may still face significant legal penalties for driving without insurance. Your drivers license may be suspended and your car may be impounded, and the cost of insurance when you get it (which you have to, in order to get your drivers license or your car back) will be much higher than it would have been if you had purchased it before the accident. You should probably consult a qualified attorney for advice on how to minimize the cost.

What happens if you have no auto insurance and no drivers license and you where in car accident but it was not your fault?

Sorry to say, Eva, but an uninsured car is not supposed to be on the public streets and a person with no license is not supposed to be driving a car. Since you contributed to the accident by violating these laws, you are at least partially at fault. The other driver's insurance company is going to deny any claim you submit.

Will your comprehensive auto insurance cover your car if you were not at fault in the accident but other drivers insurance denies claim?

Let your insurance company/agent handle the claim--they will collect from the other insurance if there is a valid claim. You'll need a police report.