Yes, for charging and diagnostic testing.
Never for normal operation, it is a safety circuit.
You can bypass the AC low pressure switch, on your Toyota Corolla, by removing the switch. You can remove the wiring to the switch and leave the switch and place.
Do you mean bypass the low pressure switch? If that's what you want, the answer is yes. Pull the pressure switch connector. Just jumper the two wires together and the compressor should come on provided that everything else is working right and the control switch is on.
Unplug connector use jumper wire from one side of connector to the other, that should do it.
Somwhere under hood on low pressure side. To see if it is faulty just bypass switch by connecting wires leading into it to see if compressor turns on.
A pressure switch a valve that shuts off the unit when the pressure is to low or to high
On my service DVD i cant seem to find a low pressure switch. i did find a AC refrigerant pressure switch i dont knwo if its the same
Of which low pressure switch are you speaking? Engine oil pressure switch? If you're checking that, remove the oil pressure sending unit and temporarily put in an oil pressure gauge. If you're checking the AC low pressure switch, pull the switch from the AC low pressure line, Jumper the switch socket and see if the AC compressor comes on. If it does, you either have low refrigerant pressure or a bad switch. If you KNOW the pressure is up and everything else works, you have a bad switch.
Pressure switches are there for a reason read the schematic.
If you want it constantly running jumper the high pressure cut off switch wire. And if you dont want it running turn off the ac. If pully is seized see if a napa can get a shorter belt to route around the ac compressor
The ac pressure cycling switch is designed to engage or dissengage the clutch to keep the proper pressure in the system.
The AC low pressure switch of a Honda Civic is located on the driver's side of the radiator. It is screwed into the accumulator bottle.
If it is a 2-wire switch- yes If it is a 3-wire switch- no