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Yes, if installed improperly.

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Q: Can replacing a cam sensor cause an oil leak?
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Can replacing cam sensor cause oil leak on 1999 Plymouth neon?

The cam sensor seal can cause a leak if not installed correctly.

Do you need to replace cam sensor after replacing the crank sensor?

if you have a code w/ cam to crank reference then yes. if only a crank sensor issue the no

Will a speed sensor cause car not to start?

cam or crank sensor

Can a misfire cause a cam sensor to go bad?


Can an oil sensor and a cam sensor defect cause a car to stall?

Yes. A bad cam sensor can cause slight hesitation of the vehicle, ultimately resulting in complete loss of power suddenly while accelerating. If bad, the cam sensor worsens, possible causing the vehicle not to start.

Would bad cam sensor cause no spark?

If you have a bad cam sensor there will be no input sent to the computer signaling the position of the cam/crank...etc, and there will be no signal sent to the coils telling them to fire. So yes, a bad cam sensor will in part cause no spark. Try a new sensor, or pick one up for cheap from a junkyard.

How do you replace cam shaft sensor on 2006 savanah 3500 6.0L?

Replacing that cam shaft sensor in a 2006 Savannah 3500 can take some time. Changing it can all depend on what the car is and where it is located.

Would a crank shaft sensor and cam sensor cause your 2002 dodge grand caravan to not turn over and or start at all?

A bad cam or crank sensor can cause a no start, but the engine will still crank or turn over.

Where is cam sensor on 1992 lumina apv 3.8?

The cam sensor is mounted into the front timing cover just behind or near the water pump. Note that failure of the cam sensor to work properly is usually not cause by a faulty cam sensor but more commonly a failed permanent magnet located in the cam drive gear.

What happens when the crank sensor or cam position sensor goes out in a 1998 Chevy Malibu?

crank sensor will cause car to no start cam sensor will only set check engine light

How do I reset cam shaft sensor on a 2001 Kia sportage?

always remove battery terminal when replacing sensors.That is your reset.

Does a faulty crank sensor or cam shaft sensor cause excessive oil use?

NO it will not. They have NOTHING to do with oil usage.