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Yes, you can purchase as many policies as you want.

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Q: Can one person be insured with two separate car insurers. i.e my dad is insured and i want to get insured as a second driver on my own car on a new policy under my dad's name?
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If an insured truck driver from another state hits an uninsured motorist will the insured truck driver's insurance pay the expenses of the uninsured person?

Only if the truck driver was at fault.

If an insured motorist is at fault and hits an unisured motorist will the insured motorists insurance company pay the expenses of the uninsured person?

Yes, this is because as you stated, the insured driver was at fault. The at fault driver is responsible regardless of the insured status of the person they hit. A good rule of thunb is this,, If they had insurance would I be responsible If the answer is Yes, then the answer is still Yes

Can a person be insured on 2 different vehicles at different addresses?

why not? if you can insure 2 houses at different addresses then these are 2 cars at different addresses. will have to check though. Try different insurers

Does the person supervising a learner driver have to be insured on the learner's car?

Since they are not physically "operating" the vehicle, no, they don't.

Can anyone drive insured vehicle with the insured person in the front seat?

No, All drivers must meet the definition of a covered driver under the terms of your auto insurance contract

Can an unlicensed driver be ticketed for driving without insurance and the car they are driving is insured?

A driver who does not have a valid drivers license will be fined and charged, this has nothing to do with a car that is insured, if the driver is caught and cannot prove that the car is insured the fine will be doubled or tripled. No sane person would drive a car without a valid license or insurance, no matter what part of the civilized world you live in.

Can a named insured be an excluded driver on an automobile liability policy in New Mexico?

A named insured person can be an excluded driver on an automobile liability policy in New Mexico, if the policy holder wishes to remove a driver from the policy. The policy holder will have to notify the insurance company to make the changes.

Can a person let someone use their car if that person does not have insurance?

The correct answer to this varies from state to state. Some US states have omnibus laws that require insurance companies to extend coverage to any legal driver whether that particular driver is personally insured or not, as long as the vehicle itself is already insured by someone. [JMH] No as far as i KNOW THEY CAN'T DRIVE UNLESS THEY ARE INSURED

If a non insured driver wrecks a car trying to miss a deer on the highway and dies and the car belongs to insured person with full coverage should the insurance pay for the funeral and expenses?


Will a vehicle be covered in the event of an accident if the person driving is not the insured driver?

It could be, I would file a claim to make sure.

Do insurance companies check the drivers details with the DVLA for 1st time insurers if the person will just be a named driver?

no, they dont have permission to check named drivers.

Can you drive another person car if you are not insured?

yep u can hope this helped.In most states if you are over the age of 18, it is the car that is insured, not the driver. When pulled over, the police ask to see proof of car insurance, not person insurance.