

Can a minor sell a car?

Updated: 10/20/2022
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16y ago

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No a minor can not sell a vehicle in the USA. You must be over 18 years of age in most states but the age to enter into a contract will vary from state to state. Check with your State Dept of Motor vehicles, or call your city govt.

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Yes, you can. The only caution is that minor's are held to be legally incapable of making contracts and the seller could be in jeapordy.

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If the minor does not own the car and lets another minor drive the car, that is Grand Theft, Auto.

What happens if you buy a car from a minor and it turns out to be a lemon?

You are out of luck, a person cannot have a contract or a sale with a minor, it is against the law in most countries. Try and salvage what you can with the car, hopefully you might find someone who is able to help you either fix it or sell it for scrap.

Can a minor register a car?

No, a minor cannot register a car. A minor cannot register a car because it is one of the privileges that a minor does not enjoy. When registering a car the personal official documentation is usually required.

Can a minor be named on a car title as owner?

Yes. However, the minor is subject to the actions of the ward(s) to which the minor is assigned unless emancipated. ( the adult ward can sell the car, or transfer title prior to the minors 18th birthdate without the approval nor signature of the minor ). A better way to transfer the vehicle to a minor would be to title it to an irrevocable trust assigning the minor as benefactor upon reaching the age of majority ( 18).

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Can a pharmacist sell prescription drugs to a minor?

yes, if the minor is emanicipated.

How can a minor get a car loan?

A minor can not get a car loan ithout a parent signing the papers.

What do you need to sell a car?

all you need to sell your car is your car title