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yes, you get a warning light on your dashboard alerting you when it is off, and does not go off when your seatbelt is on, so yes it can.

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Q: Can a car tell if you have a seatbelt on?
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How do you repair locked seatbelt?

You have screw something out then take it to a car center to tell them how to put it back together

Which of the following actions best meets the goal of security?

wearing a seatbelt in the car

How does the seatbelt protect you?

for you not to fly out of the car

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What happens when you dont wear a seatbelt correctly?

If you do not properly wear your seatbelt you will die if you get in a car wreck.

Why is seatbelt is required for every vehicles?

It is for your safety. More people without a seatbelt die in car accidents than with seatbelt. So I require to use the seatbelt. See here for more information about seatbelt usage: How_much_does_it_cost_to_replace_a_window

Which car company developed the seatbelt?


How do you unlock car seatbelt?

Push the button.

How can a passenger tell when the seatbelt is properly used?

its not When it clicks or When the seatbelt is very tight across the sternum and lap.

Is it safe not to wear a seatbelt?

No- NOT wearing a seatbelt is NOT safe. Wearing a seatbelt IS safe. It prevents you from being slammed against the intterior of the car, or being thrown out where you will be crushed by the car. You are NOT strong enough to brace yourself against the impact.

What do you tell a beloved person who won't wear a seatbelt because they say that if it is their time to go then they will die anyway?

Tell them to stop being a jackass and put on their seatbelt.

How do you use the word fastened in a sentence?

She fastened her seatbelt before the car started moving.