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Q: Can a California restaurant charge sales tax on alcohol?
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Should a firewood vendor charge sales tax to a restaurant in Mississippi?

In general, yes, unless the restaurant is reselling the fire wood.

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What are the alcohol time sales in California?

In southern Cali, they stop selling alcohol at 2am. And they start selling it again at 5am.

Should Californian business owner charge a buyer from Chicago sales tax for an item that will be resold in Chicago and the buyer do not have a valid seller's permit?

If the sale is via the internet and the California seller has no Illinois location, then no, you don't need to charge Illinois sales tax. You'll need to consult California tax law to know whether to charge him California tax, but probably don't need to charge it either. If the sale is in person in California, then yes, you should charge him California sales tax. If the sale is via the phone you could probably get away with calling it an internet sale and skip the tax, although it depends more on California tax law than Illinois tax law.

Is there sales tax on soda in California?

Yes, sodas and all other carbonated drinks in addition to alcohol are all taxed.

What states do not charge food tax?

Rhode Island, Arizona, and Michigan are three states that do not have a sales tax on food. Nebraska, California, and Minnesota have no sales tax on food.

What is the purpose of the California State Board of Equalization?

The California State Board of Equalization collects California state sales and taxes that provide revenue for state government and essential funding for countries and cities.

Do you charge sales tax for irrigation work?

No you do not charge sales tax on irrigation.

What items are nontaxable in California?

The California sales tax has a few quirks about food:food sold unprepared (most things in a grocery or convenience store) is nontaxablefood sold carryout or to go (restaurant, grocery or convenience store) is nontaxablefood sold to be eaten on premises (restaurant, grocery or convenience store) is taxablePractically everything else is taxable. So in California if you order carryout food, carry it out, don't be tempted to sit down there or they are required to add sales tax!

What does a Sales Manager for a Restaurant wear?

A highly professional, well ironed coat and suit will be weared by a sales manager for a restaurant i think so.

Does alcohol sales make or break a restaurant's success?

Can make it, but does change the environment. We had a nice family restaurant that got a liquor license & last time i drove by the parking lot was full of choppers & now they have bouncers & the police are there almost every day.

What are the new fulton county goergia alcohol sales hours?

What are the alcohol sales hours for Fulton county