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No, minors cannot legally enter into financial agreements.

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Q: Can a 17-year-old get a loan to buy a used vehicle if he has a cosigner with great credit?
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If a co-signer is not on title to a vehicle and a bank officer picks it up and gives it to the cosigner what are the legal reprocussions are the lender and the cosigner subject to?

NOLO legal books are available at the library, GREAT do-it-yourself legal...

Is co-signer's credit affected if loan is not approved?

The cosigner evidently didn't have great credit either, since the loan didn't get approved. It will still reflect on the cosigners credit report that they applied for a loan. Multiple inquiries will reduce your credit score.

Are you guaranteed a home loan if your cosigner has great credit even if yours is bad?

No. Lender's do not have to extend credit to anyone even if the person meets all the requirements. The exception is that a lender cannot discriminate under the civil rights laws.

How do you get a personal loan with no credit or cosigner?

To get a personal loan with no credit or cosigner you can go online to find an online short term personal loans lending service.They are easy and convenient if you are in need of extra cash between paychecks.One great aspect of short term personal loans is that you do not need a cosigner on the loan and the lender will not perform a credit check.To qualify for short term personal loans, you must:Be 18 years of age or older.Be a valid United States resident.Have a job with monthly income.And, you must have a current checking account at your bank.

What's the age for not having to have a cosigner on a car purchase in SC?

After 18, age is not the issue, it's your credit rating. You could be 50 and need a cosigner if your credit is bad.The way to good credit is to pay all your bills and credit charges within the grace period. Credit cards are a great way to work your credit rating up, but they are dangerous if you don't use them correctly!Think clearly about what you buy. If you can't afford it, don't buy it.Always pay the balance due within the grace period.Only use your credit card to buy what you can afford to pay back.Never spend credit you cannot pay back at the end of the month.If you have to spend more than you can pay back at notice, pay it down as fast as you can.Your credit rating has allot to do with "Available Credit" which means the amount of credit granted to you that you do not have obligated.

Where can your son borrow money for college without a cosigner? is a great start.

How good does my credit need to be when purchasing a new car?

There are several options for people who don't have great credit scores when purchasing a new vehicle. This website tells you everything you need to know about how to buy a car when you have a bad credit score

Are credit repair agencies a good idea to repair credit?

They can be a great idea. Credit repair is something you can do for yourself for free, however it can be time consuming. If you feel you do not have the time or patience to do it yourself, or that your time is better spent doing other things, then hiring a credit repair agency to do the work for you makes sense. After all, we can change the oil in our vehicles, but how many of us out of conveniece take the vehicle into a mechanic to do it for us? Credit repair agencies are great for convenience.

What would happen if i returned my vehicle to lender?

do you mean repo man? you have your car taken,then it is wholesale sold,you get the bill for the difference on what they sold it for and what you owe . not a great way to help your credit either.

Does co-signing apartment lease affect credit score?

Anytime you co-sign anything with anyone your credit is just as much affected by it as their credit is. The reason we co-sign is because the person you cosigned for did not have enough, or good enough credit. When you co-sign for someone and you have good enough credit to get them the loan or the apartment, your just becoming the responsible in the situation. The outift accepting the application can see that the original person doesn't have that great fo credit but you do, so they know there is someone responsible to make sure that the payment is made because if they don't make their payment the first person the loaner is going to call is the cosigner, and it hurts your credit just as much as it hurts theirs.

When was Great Wisconsin Credit Union created?

Great Wisconsin Credit Union was created on 1935-09-14.

Tax Certification for Hybrids?

If you own a hybrid vehicle, then you will be able to take advantage of a tax credit certification associated with these vehicles. A tax credit certification can allow you to deduct for plenty of expenses related to the vehicle. The reason that the government started this tax credit certification program for hybrids was due to the environmentally friendly nature of these vehicles. These vehicles do not emit as many carbon dioxide molecules into the environment as ordinary cars. This helps prevent climate change and other extreme environmental cycles from happening in the country. Hybrids are a great vehicle to choose if you are considering the purchase of a new one.