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no, but that is a good idea. i drive truck and i prefer to back in so i can see when I'm pulling out.

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Q: Are you required to back your car into your driveway if it is difficult to see when backing out?
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If you back out of a driveway and strike a moving car who is at fault?

The person backing out of the driveway.

How do you back a car out of the driveway from park to driving forward?

If you're driving forward, you aren't backing out the car.

Who is at fault if you back out of your driveway cross 3 lanes put in drive and got hit by another car backing out of his driveway?

If you were fully in the lane, and he is backing from private property onto public property more than likely he will bare the majority of fault/liablilty.

Car is reversing out of driveway into public road into path of car which hits the back of the reversing car?

The backing car is at fault

Who is at fault when a car is blocking the driveway and as you back out you try to stop but it is icy and you hit the car blocking the driveway?

What type of driveway? Was it a curving and could not see the car before rounding the curve? Is it straight; then why did you not see the car blocking the driveway before even getting into car and/or backing..

What can you do when a neighbor is parking directly behind your driveway making it difficult to back out and they have a driveway they refuse to use?

Go next door, politely introduce yourself and ask them if they would please not park there because it makes it hard for you to back out.=======================More thoughts . . . .Hopefully the chat with your neighbor has solved the problem, but here are some thoughts to considerIf you have an HOA (Homeowners Association), there might be some rules that apply.Find out if your municipality has a minimum distance to park from a driveway and determine if/how that is enforced.Backing into your driveway might be easier than backing out.

Is it legal to back your car out of your driveway in Kentucky?

Yes, provided there is nobody behind your car, and you are not backing up directly into oncoming traffic. As long as you can do it sober and not cause injury or damage to anyone or anything, of course it's legal to back your car out of your driveway in Kentucky or anyplace else on the planet for that matter.

How do you back up hard drive?

backing up an entire hard drive is much data to back up...

Who is at fault if you are backing out of a driveway your back tires haven't left the sidewalk yet and your neighbor pulls in front of your driveway to back up into a parking space on the street?

Finding out the answer to these sorts of questions is what courts are for. The answer depends on the details, but from the brief description given, I'm inclined toward the position that it's probably your fault, or a mixture of fault, but with you being the one mostly in the wrong. People who are backing up are supposed to take extra caution.

Who's at fault when two cars back up into each other- one car backing out of a driveway the other in the process of making a three point Uturn?

Should it ever get to court, most judges will assign split negligence to both drivers, although the pressumption is that the driver backing out of the driveway is supposed to be looking both ways up and down down the street.

Is it illegal to back out of a driveway in Ontario?

It is not an offence to back out of a driveway, but it is an offence to back across a lane of traffic.

The disadvantage of backing and turning?

1. You have a much bigger blind spot in back of your vehicle even when backing straight. 2. When turning you have limited visibility of what is around the corner you are backing in to. 3. It's more difficult to keep control of your vehicle when backing than when going forward.