Knoxville sits on 84° West, and Memphis sits on 90° West. 90° minus 84° equals 6°, meaning Knoxville is six degrees of longitude from Memphis.
Memphis, TN is approximately 106 degrees west longitude and Tokyo, Japan is approximately 139 degrees east longitude. The total separation in longitude between the two cities is therefore approximately 245 degrees.
Memphis, Tennessee.
75 degrees longitude.
The line 90 degrees west longitude, which includes the cities of New Orleans LA and Memphis TN.
There are 180 degrees of latitude between 45 and 40 degrees east longitude. However, if you meant how many degrees of longitude are there, there are 5 degrees of longitude between 45 and 40 degrees east longitude.
The difference between those two positions is 180 degrees in longitude.
130 degrees approximately
Between 5 degrees west and 30 degrees East.
90 degrees 40 degrees and 90 degrees
The difference in longitude between San Francisco and Dallas is approximately 16 degrees. San Francisco is located at around 122 degrees west longitude, while Dallas is located at around 96 degrees west longitude.