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Q: A reduction in speed in rough road conditions typically helps to?
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Why do reptiles have rough skin?

Reptiles have rough skin due to the presence of scales or scutes, which provide protection against predators and environmental conditions. The rough texture also helps to reduce water loss and improve traction for movement on various surfaces. These adaptations are important for survival in their natural habitats.

Health conditions of the Gilded Age?

The conditions were rough.

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Why do roads have a rough surface?

Roads have a rough surface to provide traction for vehicles, especially during wet conditions. The texture helps to prevent vehicles from skidding and provides better grip for braking and turning. Additionally, the rough surface helps to reduce noise and improve visibility of road markings.

What is rough ER?

rough ER, helps produce proteins and is covered in ribosomes.

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rough er helps in protein synthesis in our bodies

What were the conditions like for a bush ranger?

Living rough and dangerously.

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In a rough draft where should the main idea first appear in the paper?

The main idea, also known as the thesis statement, should typically appear at the end of the introduction in a rough draft. This helps to provide a clear focus for the rest of the paper and gives the reader a sense of what to expect.

Do amphibians have rough skin or not?

No, they typically have smooth, moist skin.

Does a angsana fruit have rough skin?

Yes, the Angsana fruit typically has rough skin with a textured outer surface.

How fast are rough collies in mph?

Rough Collies can typically reach speeds of 20-30 mph when running at their fastest.