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it could be your pulley that keeps tension on your belt or it could be a belt

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Q: 2005 equinox that squeals from the front end but the squeal comes and goes what could it be?
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I have had the wheel bearings power steering pump tensioner and a bunch of other things replaced on my 1999 Pontiac Sunfire and it still squeals What could be the problem Also had a few pully's?

Can you tell us little more? Does the engine squeal when the car is just sitting and idling? Or, is the squeal from the suspension .... it squeals when you're moving or turning?

One of my two guinea pigs make a high pitched squeal that isn't a normal scared or angry squeal. I have never heard this squeal before she only just started to make it. What could it be?

These creatures are very vocal. They will squeal at all kinds of things. It will not be a bad thing if it squeals like this if you know there is nothing wrong with it.

What is it when your car squeals while moving but stop when you press on the brake?

When a car squeals while moving, but the brakes still work properly, it could be a squeal from a drive belt. It could also mean that something like a tire rim is rubbing on the brake rotor. A vacuum leak in a small hose under the hood will also cause a squealing noise.

Will a power steering pump squeal if it is bad?

It could squeal, squeak, moan, whine, groan, and leak oil.It could squeal, squeak, moan, whine, groan, and leak oil.

If your hamster squeals for 5 seconds does that mean she has wet tail?

when hamsters squeal it isn't a indication of wet tail. Usually the signs of wet tail are a discoloration around its tail and bottom area and a wet tail. Squealing could indicate that you may have scared him or he doesnt want to be bothered

Why would the serpentine belt on an 86 Chevy Astro squeal?

Sometimes when a serpentine belt squeals it's because it is too worn or lose to grip the pulleys properly. It could also just be that the tension needs to be adjusted. If the belt is getting worn out, it's best to replace it before you get stranded.

What causes a 2005 pt cruiser to squeal How do you fix it?

That depends on how, when and where it is squealing. For example, if the brakes squeal when applied, the brake pads are probably worn down. A squeal from the engine compartment whenever the engine is running could be a loose serpentine belt (especially if the squeal changes a little when you rev the engine).

Why does your alternator belt squeal when you start the car?

The belt could be damp, loose or slipping.

Why does your guinea pig squeal like a pig?

Guinea pigs squeal for many reasons, they squeal because they are happy and saying welcome or hi or trying other things to comunicate,but sometimes they squeal because they need attention from there owners,try to figure out what he wants or saying and you will get along better, simple.

What can cause an Isuzu Rodeo to squeal?

Check the belt on your alternator. If it is not tight enough it will squeal on a Rodeo. Be sure to get it checked soon or your belt could fall off or burn up your alternator and then you are stuck!!

Why does your dog constanly squeal and shake?

it could mean some type of stress or nervous behavior

Why would your car squeal kind of quietly when you accelerate but not while idling or at low RPMs and with no change after applying belt dressing?

Your squeal may be more of a whistle which could indicate a small vacuum leak.