no i cant write +++ You might not, but otherwise there is no reason why a son cannot write a biography of either of his parents.
Abraham did not write his biography. He said almost nothing about his family or upbringlng.
Sargent did not write his biography.
Write out your biography, and then take out every third word
When you are in Create-A-Sim mode, under Personalities, under Favourites, there will be a symbol. The symbol looks like a piece of paper. Then it will open up a window titled "Biography. There, you write the biography.
Yes, Charles Drew's biography of his parents is very good.
To write an academic biography effectively, focus on highlighting your educational background, research interests, publications, and relevant experiences. Be concise, organized, and professional in your writing, and tailor the biography to the audience or purpose for which it is intended.
well if it's for a school assignment and it says to write a biography, don't write about yourself. A biography is always about someone else. An autobiography, is about you and you only.
A person would probably be motivated to write a biography about Harriet Tubman by admiration of her role as an abolitionist.
If someone else write it then its Biography and if you yourself write it its Autobiography