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religious orders are important because it is traditional

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Religious orders play a significant role in religious practice and spirituality by providing a structured way for individuals to live out their faith through community life, prayer, and service. They often focus on specific charisms or missions, such as education, healthcare, or social justice, and can have a profound impact on society by addressing societal needs and promoting spiritual growth among their members. Additionally, religious orders have a long history of preserving religious traditions and fostering a deeper connection to the divine through their distinct way of life.

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Q: Why are religious orders important?
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How many men are in Catholic Religious Orders and how many of them are priests that can offer Mass?

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No, St. Patrick did not found any religious orders.

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What is religous order?

to follow righteous path with moral and ethical values. No religion has got orders. they are doctrines. All are man made orders. Religion is free will activity. In addition: A religious order is an organization or a community of people who live apart from society in some way. Religious orders exist in many of the world's religions. Some examples of religious orders: Catholic Religious Orders consist of two types of religious institutes, one for laity (non-clergy) and one for clergy, who take solemn vows and live a common life. This common life follows a religious rule or constitution under the leadership of a religious superior. In Buddhist societies, a religious order is one of a number of monastic orders of monks and nuns. There is only one type of monasticism in the Eastern Orthodox Church which is known as tonsure.

What are the different religious orders arrived in the Philippines?

Some of the religious orders that arrived in the Philippines include the Augustinians, Franciscans, Jesuits, Dominicans, and Recollects. These orders played significant roles in spreading Christianity and establishing missions throughout the islands during the Spanish colonial period.

Who was the Founder of the religious orders known as the Jesuits?

St Ignatius of Loyola

Was Saint Anne in a religious order?

Christianity did not even exist at the time of Saint Anne, much less religious orders.