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they have vampire knight in the English subtitles on they have all of the episodes there the 1st season and 2nd

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13y ago
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11mo ago

Yes, Vampire Knight has an English dub. It was licensed by Viz Media and has been released in both subbed and dubbed versions.

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13y ago

Season 2 Vampire Knight is currently available in English dubbed to this date.

The second Season was brought out on October 9th.

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15y ago

there are 3 episodes in

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Q: Is there a vampire knight English dub?
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What is a good site you can watch the full series of Vampire Knight English Dub?

You could try because it might be a good website.

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When will the third season of vampire knight be in English dub?

there isent a season 3 yet it will come out in october hope dis helps

Is Vampire knight in English dub?

there are a couple on youtube, i think they are fandubs, but they're not that bad. Errrr you can try crack dubz but i don't think they have them.

Is vampire knight in eng?

Vampire Knight is in fact English subbed, but unless you find a Fandub, no, Vampire Knight is not English Subbed.

Is vampire kight guilty in English dub?

Only the first season is in English dub so far.

Who is the voice of kaname in vampire knight?

Mamoru Miyano is the Japanese voice actor for Kaname Kuran in the anime "Vampire Knight." In the English dub version, Kaname is voiced by Ethan Murray.

Will there be vampire knight season 3 in Japanese dub?

never because, it doesn't exist.

Is vampire night a tv show?

Assuming you mean Vampire Knight yes it is. It is an Anime, it has not played on TV in North America yet i don't think but you can watch the English dub on you tube and, and possibly

Are there going to be vampire knight in dub?

i heard that its already come out with dub. i don't know where excatly to find it but its out there. check out anime websites, you might find it there.

Is there English subtitles for episode 19 of vampire night?

well the first season of vamnpire knight has been dubbed but the 2nd season dubbed the first episode until then i guess we will half to wait a little longer for 2nd season rest of the episode i no that vampire knight the first season is out in dub and the 2nd is ot but its only the first episode that is dub

When will the English version of vampire knight and vampire knight guilty come out?

July 20th yea.. no. what is coming out on July 20th (well its already out) is the vampire knight anime. havent heard any news of when the vampire knight guilty manga comes out in English yet.