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well...matama gandhi was really like one of those students who are not at all interested in studying more than what is taught in the class

but in his novel MY EXPERIMENTS WITH TRUTH he admits that he was deeply influenced by shravan's story after reading the book that his father bought for him....SHRAVAN'S PITRIBHAKTI NATAK....he read the book with great interest n never minded reading it again and again....

same was with the play of maharaja harishchandra....this play deeply moved him

although his parents did not permit him all the time watching the play....but still he could not resist to....

but he was really a shy kind of guy even in his high school....left the class at the earliest to avoid communicating with his classmates....

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βˆ™ 5mo ago

Mahatma Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar, India. He was the youngest of four children and grew up in a devout Hindu family. Gandhi's childhood was marked by his experiences of honesty, truth, and compassion, which later influenced his philosophy of nonviolent resistance.

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